Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bumpy Start...

Ever have one of those days? Well, today started out looking like it was gonna be one of those. And, yes, it is only 9:27 am as I am writing this. I got up butt early because thursdays are the only days that I am required too. My 3 year old son has preschool just this one day a week, and I have a pilates class on this and tuesdays at 9. I have to take my 2 year old daughter to daycare/preschool at my Mom's (she runs an in home daycare/preschool, where I work one day a week). I also pick up my niece Jillian (college age) to go to pilates with me. So, here I am actually running on time for the first time in forever, and I've got the babies in the car and buckled up, lunches and backpacks all accounted for, my pilates mat in the back (cuz I always forget that) and I jump in the drivers seat and go to start the car and.... nothing. Won't start, battery dead. Husband gone. No jumper cables in sight. I ran around the garage for about 10 minutes looking for a set of cables before giving up. I was so frustrated, pissy, ect. then I decided to think of reasons why I'd like to stay home..... 1) it's a rainy day, perfect for snuggling up on the couch with my coffee and computer 2) I really am not feeling good, coming down with something
3) Baby Girl has got the pink eye, again. 4) I really didn't feel like exercising anyways.
So, there you have it. Not such a bad start, just a little bumpy....

1 comment:

justyne said...

Oh, Mum, You are such a excellent blogger! I get so excited reading this, it makes me feel like I am still at home. Oddly reading this doesn't make me homesick, it comforts me, knowing that home is still the same. I can't believe you have a blog, your so good at it too! When I get home I should start a blog...but first I want you to make me scones and fresh tea...please. I hope your not missing me too much. I love you lots.xoxox